2006 04 277-281
中南大学材料科学与工程学院,中南大学材料科学与工程学院,中南大学材料科学与工程学院,中南大学材料科学与工程学院 湖南长沙410083,湖南长沙410083,湖南长沙410083,湖南长沙410083
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[2]Idota Y,Kubate T,M atsufujiA,etal.Tinb-ased am orphousoxide:a highc-apacity lithium ion storage m aterialJ[].Sci-ence,1997,276:1395-1397.
[3]Nam S C,PaiK C H,Cho B W,etal.Electroc-hem icalchar-acterization of various tin-based oxides as negative elec-trodes for rechargeable lithium batteries[J].J PowerSources,1999,84:24-31.
[4]M ao Ou,Dunlap R A,Dahn J R.M echanically alloyed Sn-Fe(C-)powders as anode m aterials for Li-ion batteries I.The Sn2FeC-system[J].J Electrochem Soc,1999,146:405-413.
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[7]Kepler K D,Vaughey J T,Thackeray M M.Copper-tin an-odes for rechargeable lithium batteries:an exam ple of them atrix effectin an interm etallic system[J].J PowerSources,1999,81-82:383-387.
[8]Larcher D,Beaulieu L Y.In-situ X-ray study ofthe elec-trochem ical reaction of Li withη’-Cu6Sn5[J].J Elec-trochem Soc,2000,147:1658-1662.
[9]Basebhard J O,W achtler M.Kinetics of Li insertion intopolycrystal-line and steady state techniques[J].J PowerSources,1999,81-82:268-272.
[10]Yang J,Takeda Y.Ultrafine Sn and SnSb0.14powders forlithium storage m atrices in lithium-ion batteriesJ[].JElectrochem Soc,1999,146:4009-4013.
[11]LiH,LiJ Z.The studies on nanosized m aterials for lithiumion batteriesJ[].Electrochem istry,2000,6:131-145.
[12]Ehrilich G M,Durand C.M etallic negative electrode m ate-rials for rechargeable nonaqueous batteriesJ[].J Elec-trochem Soc,2000,147:886-891.
[13]Fang L,ChowdariB V R.Sn-Ca am orphous alloy as anodeforlithium ion batteryJ[].J PowerSources,2001,97-98∶181-184.
[14]H irokiS,H itohiko H,Takao.Synthesis and anode behaviorof lithium storage interm atellic com pounds with variouscrystallinitiesJ[].J Power Sources,1999,81-82:229-232.
[15]H ansu K,Junghee C,H un-Joon S,et al.The insertionm echanism oflithium into M g2Sianode m aterialfor Li-ionbatteries[J].J Electrochem Soc,1999,146(12):4401-4405.
[16]H ansu K,Byungwoo P,H un-Joon S,etal.Electrochem icalcharacteristics of M gN-i alloys as anode m aterials for sec-ondary LibatteriesJ[].J PowerSources,2000,90(1):59-63.
[17]Cao G S,Zhao X B,LiT,etal.Zn4Sb3(C-7)powders as apotential anode m aterial for lithium i-on batteriesJ[].JPower Sources,2001,94(1):102-107.
[18]H uang S M,Lee H Y,Jang S,etal.Lithium insertion in SiAgpowders produced buy m echanical alloyingJ[].Electro-chem icaland SolidS-tate Letters,2001,4(7):92-96.
[19]Zhang L T,Zhao X B,Jiang X B,etal.Study on the inser-tion behaviors of lithium-ions into CoFe3Sb12 based elec-trodesJ[].J Power Sources,2001,94(1)∶92-96.
[20]H am on Y,Brousse T,Jousse F,etal.Alum inum negativeelectrode in Lithium ion batteriesJ[].J Power Sources,2001,97-98:185-187.
[21]M achillS,RahnerD.Studies ofAl-Al3Nieutectic m ixturesas insertion anodes in rechargeable lithium batteriesJ[].JPower Sources,1997,68:506-509.
[22]M achillS,RahnerD.In situ electrochem icalcharacterizationof lithium a-lloying m aterials for rechargeable anodes inlithium batteriesJ[].JPowerSources,1995,54:428-432.
[2]Idota Y,Kubate T,M atsufujiA,etal.Tinb-ased am orphousoxide:a highc-apacity lithium ion storage m aterialJ[].Sci-ence,1997,276:1395-1397.
[3]Nam S C,PaiK C H,Cho B W,etal.Electroc-hem icalchar-acterization of various tin-based oxides as negative elec-trodes for rechargeable lithium batteries[J].J PowerSources,1999,84:24-31.
[4]M ao Ou,Dunlap R A,Dahn J R.M echanically alloyed Sn-Fe(C-)powders as anode m aterials for Li-ion batteries I.The Sn2FeC-system[J].J Electrochem Soc,1999,146:405-413.
[5]M ao Ou,Dahn J R.M echanically alloyed Sn-Fe(-C)powders as anode m aterials forLi-ion batteries II.The Sn-Fe system J[].J Electrochem Soc,1999,146:414-422.
[6]M ao Ou,Dahn J R.M echanically alloyed Sn-Fe(-C)powders as anode m aterials for Li-ion batteries III.Sn2Fe:SnFe3C active/inactive com positesJ[].J Electrochem Soc,1999,146:423-427.
[7]Kepler K D,Vaughey J T,Thackeray M M.Copper-tin an-odes for rechargeable lithium batteries:an exam ple of them atrix effectin an interm etallic system[J].J PowerSources,1999,81-82:383-387.
[8]Larcher D,Beaulieu L Y.In-situ X-ray study ofthe elec-trochem ical reaction of Li withη’-Cu6Sn5[J].J Elec-trochem Soc,2000,147:1658-1662.
[9]Basebhard J O,W achtler M.Kinetics of Li insertion intopolycrystal-line and steady state techniques[J].J PowerSources,1999,81-82:268-272.
[10]Yang J,Takeda Y.Ultrafine Sn and SnSb0.14powders forlithium storage m atrices in lithium-ion batteriesJ[].JElectrochem Soc,1999,146:4009-4013.
[11]LiH,LiJ Z.The studies on nanosized m aterials for lithiumion batteriesJ[].Electrochem istry,2000,6:131-145.
[12]Ehrilich G M,Durand C.M etallic negative electrode m ate-rials for rechargeable nonaqueous batteriesJ[].J Elec-trochem Soc,2000,147:886-891.
[13]Fang L,ChowdariB V R.Sn-Ca am orphous alloy as anodeforlithium ion batteryJ[].J PowerSources,2001,97-98∶181-184.
[14]H irokiS,H itohiko H,Takao.Synthesis and anode behaviorof lithium storage interm atellic com pounds with variouscrystallinitiesJ[].J Power Sources,1999,81-82:229-232.
[15]H ansu K,Junghee C,H un-Joon S,et al.The insertionm echanism oflithium into M g2Sianode m aterialfor Li-ionbatteries[J].J Electrochem Soc,1999,146(12):4401-4405.
[16]H ansu K,Byungwoo P,H un-Joon S,etal.Electrochem icalcharacteristics of M gN-i alloys as anode m aterials for sec-ondary LibatteriesJ[].J PowerSources,2000,90(1):59-63.
[17]Cao G S,Zhao X B,LiT,etal.Zn4Sb3(C-7)powders as apotential anode m aterial for lithium i-on batteriesJ[].JPower Sources,2001,94(1):102-107.
[18]H uang S M,Lee H Y,Jang S,etal.Lithium insertion in SiAgpowders produced buy m echanical alloyingJ[].Electro-chem icaland SolidS-tate Letters,2001,4(7):92-96.
[19]Zhang L T,Zhao X B,Jiang X B,etal.Study on the inser-tion behaviors of lithium-ions into CoFe3Sb12 based elec-trodesJ[].J Power Sources,2001,94(1)∶92-96.
[20]H am on Y,Brousse T,Jousse F,etal.Alum inum negativeelectrode in Lithium ion batteriesJ[].J Power Sources,2001,97-98:185-187.
[21]M achillS,RahnerD.Studies ofAl-Al3Nieutectic m ixturesas insertion anodes in rechargeable lithium batteriesJ[].JPower Sources,1997,68:506-509.
[22]M achillS,RahnerD.In situ electrochem icalcharacterizationof lithium a-lloying m aterials for rechargeable anodes inlithium batteriesJ[].JPowerSources,1995,54:428-432.